Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Unforgettable memories from SMP N 8 YK

8 Junior High is a place which i studied at, and in that place, there are some unforgettable memories that i can't seem to forget, and now i'm gonna write one of those event.

It all happened about 1 years ago, after school, when i didn't have work to do and wait for my mother to pick me up. when i was waiting in the class, i saw my friend, Hanif and Alvin, playing card game named yugioh.
Back then, i don't know what they're playing about. but when i saw them playing, i became interested in this card game.
After that, about 2 weeks or so, when i studied IT in computer room, i opened in which i found a card that makes me decided my first deck i build.

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